Thursday, October 29, 2009

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization. That is how you found this blog and how customers find and Choice Finance is a broker/lender approved with FHA and VA…a full service mortgage company. We are located in Rockville, Maryland and are continually looking to hire seasoned Loan Officers who self generate their business, see the value in closing a few house leads a month, and see the power in referring their realtors leads. generates 30,000 plus unique visitors to our site/month with over 230,000 page views. We forward these leads to our loan officers and the realtors they have sign on to our program. If you are interested in hearing more, please forward me your resume and a good time for me to contact you.

We encourage you to do random searches on google/yahoo pertaining to refinancing your home or buying a new one in Maryland, DC and/or Virginia (Florida and Delaware as well). You will be impressed as to how often we are on the first page or even the first lender listed. If you see the value in this and recognize that this is the marketing of the future…forward your resume today. Please do not apply if you do not have at least 2 years of experience as a loan officer.


I believe there is nothing more important to production than a work environment filled with energy. Although LO’s have the ability to work from anywhere due to the technology we have supplied here at Choice Finance Corp, our 14 producing originators use Choice Finance as their home base.

Most sales occurs over the phone. From there, our Originators have their own ways of bringing a loan to closing. Some prefer going to the customers home, others prefer to have meetings here at our office in Rockville, MD, while still others email or overnight their package to their clients.
I can tell you that there is nothing more enjoyable than when all 14 guys are on the phone with CNBC on in the background…announcing an A grade for a Treasury Auction. Rates drop and the energy level here on Piccard Drive in Montgomery County rises!!

We do not have set hours and truthfully, we do not monitor vacation time. It is abundantly clear that in our industry, if you don’t put in the hours, you will not thrive. Working hard, presenting the client with options that satisfy their needs, staying up to date with the changing laws, and enjoying your day at the office, is how we thrive here at Choice.

If you are interested bringing your energy here to Choice Finance, please call me, Dave Wexler at 301-881-8900 x202. Check us out @ and our sister company